Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Alternative Fuel Locator App for Apple

Published June 20, 2012

By Philippe Crowe

Texas-based EVCarco, Inc. announced that last Friday Third Stone Software submitted its EVCA “Alternative Fuel Locator” (AFL) App to the Apple App Store.

The AFL provides station information and routes for the following alternative fuel vehicle types: Electric Vehicles, Compressed Natural Gas, Biodiesel, LNG, E85, LP and Hydrogen.

The app, known as AFL 1.2, should be available for download on June 21, 2012. The app is free of charge and is, according to EVCarco, “exactly what the Alternative Fuel industry needs.”

The data was obtained from the Department of Energy report and will be updated at the app level to ensure users have the latest information. The next revision will provide more functionality and trip planning capabilities to reduce “vehicle range anxiety.”

Gary Easterwood, President and CEO of EVCarco, remarked, "With the addition of trip planning, we think the AFL app will be a game changer. Imagine being able to drive your alternate fuel vehicle from Dallas to Brownsville, Texas, leveraging the app to provide distance traveled and optimum routes to fueling stations along the way to ensure you make it to your destination.

Third Stone Software was acquired by EVCarco during May 2012.


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