Monday, July 2, 2012

Leaf Backs Into A Record

Published July 2, 2012

By Philippe Crowe

Theory confirmed. The Nissan Leaf has set a record as the fastest car over a measured mile (1.6 km) in reverse.

Driven by professional stunt driver Terry Grant, the Nissan Leaf raced backwards up the Goodwood hillclimb course at the weekend’s Festival of Speed, covering the distance in 1m 37.02s at an average speed of 55 mph.

Having set the record on Friday, the opening day of the Festival, Terry went on to smash his time on Saturday and Sunday, shaving an amazing 26 seconds off Friday’s time.

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Terry, who set a world record at last year’s festival by driving a Nissan Juke up the hill on two wheels, says: “I had a great car at my disposal – with direct drive from the electric motor to its wheels, the Nissan Leaf can, in theory, go as fast backwards as it can forwards There were times I wasn’t sure I was coming or going. However, thanks to the Leaf’s low center of gravity – the batteries are an integral part of the car’s floor – the car is extremely stable, no matter which direction it’s traveling. The only complaint I have is slight neck ache from constantly looking over my shoulder!”

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The Leaf Reverse Record is part of Nissan’s ambitious social media-driven campaign, “The Big Turn On,” which aims to get one million consumers switched onto electric driving, in just 100 days. The one million “turn ons” target was achieved on June 21, 15 days ahead of the original target.


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